This post seems to be getting a lot of buzz lately. And a lot of bad buzz from young married/engaged/whatever women.
I personally love this young woman's blog, and I love what she's doing with her life.
I'm 21 years old, I was in a decent length relationship of a couple years, I used to want to get engaged senior year in college, making me 21. Obviously that life didn't happen for me as I am now single, ringless and pretty much my life is devoid of any males. And as much time as I've spent lamenting about it for the past year that I've been getting over that break up/lost dream/lost life that I thought I was going to have, I'm done with it. I am still a girl, so of course I will be sad in my singleness at times and I will still want that person, but I'm done making it a priority in my life, I have so many other more important priorities.
There are SO many other things that we as women, and not even women but humans can do instead of worrying about getting married/being alone for forever.
Personally, my whole life has opened up since I gave up that wish. I've always wanted to move to Washington state, or Tennessee, and now that I'm single that seems so much more possible. I know a lot of these young married/engaged women are blogging now saying that "if I wanted to go anywhere my husband/fiancé would come with me" but once you're married you have to make choices as a couple, not just one person anymore. If your spouses job is the one that is mainly supporting you both, chances are no matter how much you want to move or your person will support you in that, you wont. I didn't realize how much I was planning my life around another person when I had that person. It's important when you're young to plan your life around you and your dreams. It's your time to be selfish, and your time to figure out your life, not someone else's life.
I'm not saying young love is bad, or wrong or this atrocity that needs to be put to rest. I'm just saying that it's not a bad thing to do other things with your 20's besides getting married and having children. It's not a bad thing to do things for you. It's not a bad thing to not want to get engaged by the time you're 23.
I've noticed though a kind of vengeance coming out from the young women who so happen to be engaged/are working towards that, like how dare you lowly single people feel this way. We have it so much better because we are not alone, we have someone who loves us and wants to spend the rest of their life with us. No one is better than anyone else, just because you have a ring on your finger and a wedding under your belt does not make you any better than me who has regular dates with myself and Netflix and no prospect of a boyfriend on the horizon. My sister is engaged and she's 22, many of my classmates are engaged and they are freshly 21 for the most part, a couple of them weren't even 21, I am sure more of my friends will get engaged before we graduate and even more the summer after we graduate. And I am happy for each and every one of them, but they are no better than me because of it, and I am no more pathetic than them because I am not.
So get engaged before you're 23, or don't, it doesn't really matter. They are just two different lives, and everyone is entitled to live the kind of life they want.
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